It has eight branches, one for each night of Hanukkah, plus the "Shamash," or pilot candle ... there was only enough oil for their menorah to burn for one day. However, a miracle occurred ...
Archaeologists in Jerusalem have discovered a 1,700-year-old oil lamp decorated with rare Jewish artwork, including a unique menorah — a surprise given that the Roman Empire had tried to ...
The center candle, known as the shamash, sits higher than ... during which Jews light candles on a menorah to celebrate the miracle of a one-day oil supply lasting eight after the Maccabean ...
The crowd cheered and clapped as the flames finally caught on the shamash and two other ... called for lighting the menorah, but the Jews found only enough oil to last one day.
Once lit, the shamash is used to light the other candles on ... The group had a tiny supply of oil that was only expected to keep their temple’s menorah lit for one night. Miraculously, the oil stayed ...
Each evening the middle candle from the holder, the shamash ... and lighting of the menorah. It would take eight days to prepare a new supply. Yet miraculously this oil burned for the entire ...
The shamash is lit first and is used ... B.C.E. It also marks the miracle of the eight days the menorah burned with simply one day’s amount of oil.
With the tiny supply of ritually pure oil that they ... The special menorah used for Hanukkah has eight branches, with a ninth place for the candle called shamash from which all others are lit.
After the shamash, the first candle goes to the spot on the far right of the menorah. On the second night ... Traditional foods for Hanukkah are fried in oil and include fried potato pancakes ...
With the tiny supply of ritually pure oil that they ... The special menorah used for Hanukkah has eight branches, with a ninth place for the candle called shamash from which all others are lit.