From that star, look to the North East on the same level and you ... try downloading an astronomy app like Night Sky on your iPhone or Android. The star is expected to appear suddenly, some ...
If you’ve been outside after dark recently, you’ll have noticed two very bright lights in the sky. Here’s what you need to ...
In addition to the annual parade of star pictures or constellations passing above our heads each night, there are always ...
Another year of skywatching is upon us, and there's a lot to look forward to in 2025!
Venus will pass to the north of the much-fainter bluish star Regulus (in Leo, the Lion) on the morning of Sept. 19; the planet and star will appear low in the east-northeast predawn sky, separated by ...
Each evening, enjoy a sweeping view of four planets at once. Also look for Mars occulted by the Moon and meteors!
As someone who has spent thousands of hours observing the night sky, I like to think that ... That’s because a star near the north celestial pole makes a small circle in the sky as Earth spins ...