II and III. The six precordial leads are called leads V1, V2, V3, V4, V5 and V6. Below is a normal 12-lead ECG tracing. The different parts of the ECG will be described in the following sections.
The ECG findings presented as normal in athletes were established by an international ... Ectopic P waves are most easily seen when the P waves are negative in the inferior leads (II, III and aVF; ...
The goal of ECG interpretation in athletes is to classify the ECG as: (1) ‘normal’—no further evaluation needed or (2) ‘abnormal’—further evaluation needed. Normal ECGs include common, ...
Diffuse T wave inversion is stage III of the ECG changes in pericarditis ... voltage in leads V4 through V6 (unlike limb lead reversal which has normal voltage in these leads, but negative ...
As noted above, the precordial leads are unreliable, compromising by their inclusion calculations deriving from the set of 12 ECG leads. It appears, therefore, that using sums of data from the six ...