As the wife of Pharaoh Akhenaten, Nefertiti played a major role in Egyptian politics. Together, the pair led a religious revolution by abandoning polytheism and promoting worship of the sun god Aten.
The city was founded by Akhenaten, a king who, along with his wife Nefertiti and his son, Tutankhamun, has captured the modern imagination as much as any other figure from ancient Egypt.
The book - Nefertiti's Face: the Creation of an Icon, published by Profile Books next week (25 January) – tells the story of the famous sculpture from its creation to its display today in Berlin. The ...
Nefertiti was one of the wives of Tutankhamun's father, the Pharaoh Akhenaten. El-Damaty said it was too early to tell what the metal and organic material could be, saying only that he thinks the ...
Nefertiti lived in the 14th century BC, and was the wife of the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, one of the kings of the 18th Dynasty in ancient Egypt who ruled Egypt from 1352 BC to 1336 BC.