The actor went on a vacation with her husband and filmmaker, Vignesh Shivan, and their kids Uyir and Ulag as they toured Paris and the Greek island Mykonos. (Also Read – Nayanthara begged her ...
A frame-perfect picture of Nayanthara playing with the kids while Vignesh spent his time lying flat on the ground paints a nice picture of their life together as hands-on parents. 2. Romantic ...
The family of four was even spotted during golden hour playing with Vignesh lying on the floor, the kids hopping onto him and Nayanthara looking at them with love her hands rested on Vignesh's knees.
Barroz - Official Telugu Trailer In one snap, Nayanthara was seen walking hand in hand with one of her kids, dressed casually in an orange top, white sneakers, and a ponytail. Another heartwarming ...