courtesy of award-winning Afro hair stylist Charlotte Mensah. 5 top tips for maintaining your wig or weave Moisturise and condition your weave and scalp with light natural oils. Moisturise and ...
Founder Ify Oweka is passionate about making sure the customer gets what they want and offers a range of options for afro hair. This salon is great for extensions, weaves and natural styling ...
From braids and weaves to cornrows, afro hair is versatile - and how a ... Beverly Mafienga, a university graduate, says she hates her natural hair, and choses to wear either a wig or extensions.
"Every time I took out my weave at the salon ... Fighting 'uniform hairstyles' in Kenya My natural hair journey Teaching how to care for afro hair Being African: What does hair have to do with ...
'Did you know that every single thing you do to style Afro-textured hair will damage it? And colouring it? PAH! You had better think again'... Hands up if that sounds familiar? We've long been ...
A pupil who was repeatedly sent home from school because of her afro hair wants ... else have this hair?" she told us. "Everyone I see that has hair like mine has it in a weave or under a wig ...