The NSPCC is currently recruiting 15 young people aged 13 – 16 from across the UK to form its next Young People's Board for Change (YPBC).
Being at home during the pandemic has left some children more vulnerable to neglect and abuse, says the NSPCC Children's charity the NSPCC says calls and messages to its helpline have risen to ...
NEARLY 5,000 children in Northern Ireland needed counselling for loneliness in 2023/24, the NSPCC has said. The charity’s Childline service delivered the counselling sessions over the phone and ...
Prof Byron, an NSPCC trustee and clinical psychologist, said the government was "playing catch-up". "The internet is absolutely ubiquitous in children's lives today, and it is much too late for a ...
The NSPCC is a charity specialising in child ... in England and provide a national platform to hear the voices of approx 65,000 children and young people who are Looked After.
But loneliness is still a huge factor in the lives of many children. The NSPCC’s Childline service delivered almost 5,000 counselling sessions to young people last year where the main topic of ...
Newsquest’s year-long partnership with the NSPCC has ended with an amazing final-push donation from readers. We asked readers to help bring hope to children over the festive season by donating ...
Funds raised from Number Day help support vital NSPCC services such as Childline and Speak out, Stay safe, a programme which sees the charity visit primary schools and teach children how to ...