Two rangers on patrol discovered an unusual, unprepared “climber” high on Mount Shasta — a goose, California officials reported. Rangers Nick Meyers and Eric Falconer found the goose about ...
Mt. Shasta, standing at 14,179 feet, is California's 5th-highest peak, and the second highest in the Cascade Range. It's a paradise for hikers, climbers, and skiers all year round, as well as ...
Mt. Shasta rangers in California got a gander of an unusual "climber" in distress on Christmas Eve, when they stumbled across a stranded goose that was 10,000 feet up the mountain. Climbing ...
Lake Shasta, the largest reservoir in California, has reached another milestone water level after storms in the state have saturated the area surrounding the Shasta Damn since October 2023. Now, as we ...