Tips for safely cashing a money order The easiest way to avoid a money order scam is to call the money order issuer, or visit its website, to verify the funds. Every money order includes a serial ...
“While scams are common year-round ... And walk away if the seller wants you to cash a money order or cashier's check and wire money to another party. “Quite frankly, there may not be a ...
Never take cashier’s checks or money orders as a form of payment. Never wire funds to a potential employer. Look up the name of the company or the person who’s hiring you, plus the words “scam,” ...
Kelly Caton (DOB: 29/10/1977) found guilty to two counts of Fraud, three counts of Money Laundering and sentenced to four and ...
A person from Assam fell victim to a cyber fraud when he tried to return a Louis Philippe blazer. However, instead of helping this victim, SBI said the fraudulent transactions happened through Google ...
But then, the supposed customer said they wanted to cut the order in half ... and they can claw the money back — as Stern learned. To avoid the stress of similar scams, you can take extra ...