Different types of cancer have unique molecular 'fingerprints' which are detectable in early stages of the disease and can be picked up with near-perfect accuracy by small, portable scanners in just a ...
In the cellular world’s version of CSI, scientists have discovered that our cells leave behind telltale “fingerprints” that could blow the cover on cancer’s stealthy operation. The breakthrough comes ...
It would be nearly 300 years before the concepts and molecular sequencing methods to define the diversity and reproducibility of these assemblages would become available, largely through the ...
DNA sequencing is a powerful approach for decoding a number of human diseases, including cancers. The advent of next-generation sequencing (NGS) technologies has reduced sequencing cost by orders ...
This method relies on metagenomic next-generation sequencing (mNGS), which analyzes all of the genetic material in a sample, including DNA and RNA molecules. This test began a decade ago as an assay ...
Gen Molecular Tools for Malaria Surveillance" explores the latest advancements in molecular diagnostics and surveillance technologies crucial for advancing malaria elimination efforts. This thematic ...