In other words, burrowing on other worlds is hard. But that didn't stop the team in Guangdong from trying. Their robot is meant to be much more similar to an actual mole than either HP3 or PLUTO was.
For highly social animals, being alone can be stressful – often leading to poor health and anxiety – but solitary animals do ...
As in some insect species, the queen is the only naked mole rat female to breed and bear young. Worker animals dig the burrows that the whole clan inhabits, using their prominent teeth and snouts.
Chris Packham uses a man-made burrow to observe the ways that moles have adapted for life underground. He explains how they require less oxygen than other mammals and, though they have poor ...
It's also the southernmost U.S. mole skink, found mainly in Dry Tortugas and the Lower Keys along Florida's shoreline, living in sandy areas where it burrows deep for refuge. But this little lizard is ...