The store is no longer accessible. Even though the Windows 10 Mobile Store has been abandoned for years, the platform has ...
Sometimes, a platform can die without actually dying. For example, a company can stop producing certain products but still ...
Microsoft ended support for Windows 10 Mobile five years ago. While the Microsoft Store on Windows 10 Mobile remained ...
You once could share apps directly from the Google Play Store, but the Store's most recent update canned this feature.
Windows Phone has been dead for half a decade at this point. Support ended in early 2020, so anything that continued to work ...
Interestingly, 51 percent of respondents who use retail mobile apps use them while shopping in-store, yielding a large audience of customers that retailers can engage with via mobile apps to ...
Pointing to how retailers are struggling with integrating mediums such as mobile into the store experience, only one in 10 currently offer in-store features in their mobile applications ...
This is a continuation of T-Mobile’s efforts to push customers to the app, even when getting in-store support. Customers will now be able to check in to T-Mobile stores through the app ...
The latest free games on the Epic Games Store mobile app have been announced. The mobile versions of Star Wars: Knights of ...