With kids home from school due to the Arctic air, parents may be looking for ideas that don't involve leaving the house.
Stir with a popsicle stick until the glue and water are thoroughly mixed. Pour the glue and water mixture into a lid until the bottom is covered. Be careful not to add too much if you are using a lid.
Sometimes a scientist needs to figure out what is in a certain mixture of substances. One way they can do this is to use a process called chromatography. In the activity below, you can try ...
Discover effective methods to determine the gravimetric sample composition of mixtures with unknown constituents, ensuring ...
A student investigates mixtures of food colourings using paper chromatography. One of the substances in a food colouring does not move during the experiment. Ethanol is a flammable liquid that ...
A layer of diamonds was found beneath Mercury's surface. This could help scientists understand the planet's unusual magnetic ...
Key fact An impure substance is a type of mixture, so melting points can be ... identified by comparing the melting point found in the experiment with published reference data of what the melting ...
Researchers from a Spanish laboratory observe, for the first time, the formation of compartments alongside the basic ingredients of organisms ...