Mint’s father is Stewart Butterfield, a billionaire businessman and former CEO of Slack. The teenager was last seen at 10 p.m. on April 21 inside a house in Bolinas where the teen lives with ...
The daughter of Slack-founder billionaire Stewart Butterfield has vanished Mint Butterfield, 16, is thought to be in San Francisco's seedy Tenderloin area She was last seen on Sunday night and was ...
The daughter of Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield and Flickr co ... on the streets of San Francisco, reports Daily Mail. Details Four days ago, Mint disappeared from her mother's house in ...
It was revealed earlier this week that Mint Butterfield, the 16-year-old child of parents Stewart Butterfield and Caterina Fake, was reported as missing. The teenager's mom filed a missing person ...
Mint Butterfield, 16, vanished from her ... She has a substance abuse problem, reports The Daily Beast. She is five feet tall and weighs around 100 pounds and was last spotted wearing a black ...
Mint Butterfield 's parents are Slack co-founder Stewart Butterfield, who is estimated to be worth $1.6billion, and Flickr tycoon Caterina Fake, who is worth $25million. The only child of the two ...
M int Butterfield, the teenage child of Slack co-founder and former CEO Stewart Butterfield, was safely located Saturday in San Francisco after being reported missing last week, and a man the teen ...