Potheads shield your eyes. Mexico just destroyed 134 tons of marijuana in a blaze you have to see to believe. You only see this amount of drugs in the movies. A photograph of the marijuana ...
A Mexican drug lord who was one of U.S. authorities' most wanted men has been brought into a New York courtroom to answer ...
Mexico announced Monday the seizure of 440 pounds ... then we'll have to expand our U.S. lawsuit," Sheinbaum said at a daily press conference. A new charge could include alleged "complicity ...
Whatever the reason, consumers around the world adopted this date to celebrate World Marijuana Day. In Mexico, marijuana is the most widely used illegal drug among the population. It is estimated ...
Tom Wainwright, author of "Narconomics," is the former Mexico City bureau chief for The Economist. He explains how the legal marijuana business in the United States is affecting drug cartels in ...
He was expelled from Mexico on Thursday ... of their action," Durham said at a press conference. "They trafficked heroin, methamphetamine, cocaine and marijuana." Caro Quintero pleaded not ...