Lionel Messi's upcoming animated kids' series has been acquired by Disney Branded Television. The series, titled "Messi and the Giants," was first reported to be in the works back in 2023.
Lionel Messi’s animated series is set to entertain young viewers globally. Titled Messi and the Giants, the series blends adventure with creativity and will be available on Disney platforms.
A Lionel Messi-inspired animated series will soon premiere on Disney Channel after Disney Branded Television acquired Messi and the Giants from Sony Music Vision and Sony Pictures Television ...
Lionel Messi teams with Disney! "Messi and the Giants" is coming soon! Lionel Messi is getting his own animated series, "Messi and the Giants"! Following a young boy from Argentina who is then ...
The Official site of the Barça Foundation. Barça Innovation Hub The center for sports knowledge and innovation. Barça Vision is an innovative platform that uses emerging technologies like Web3 ...
Lionel Messi’s journey to soccer stardom will be the subject of a new animated sci-fi series at Disney. “Messi and the Giants,” which tells the epic saga of a young boy named Leo who transported from ...
Disney Branded Television has acquired the Lionel Messi-inspired animated series Messi and the Giants from Sony Music Vision and Sony Pictures Television Kids. The animated series, which unfolds in an ...