In this animated short documentary, the filmmaker (a lesbian, feminist baby boomer) shares her coming out story with the help of exercise guru Jack LaLanne.
The writer/director of animated movie 'Memoir of a Snail' tells IndieWire about the opening title sequence, keeping things ...
"Memoir of a Snail" is an Australian animation movie written and directed by Adam Elliot. In the realm of animated films, "Memoir of a Snail" stands as a peculiar outlier. This stop-motion feature ...
Deb JJ Lee, a Korean American illustrator and author, has struck a chord with readers in the United States and even in Korea ...
Adam Elliot’s R-rated stop-motion feature Memoir of a Snail will be available on the platform through the holiday season. The film, which recently won best film at the BFI London Film Festival, was ...