The same day as the movie comes the premiere of a new animated series, Megamind Rules! The new series follows the events of the film with Megamind, now an established hero, trying to save the city ...
Megamind's former villain team, The Doom Syndicate, has returned. Our newly crowned blue hero must now keep up evil appearances until he can assemble his friends (Roxanne, Ol' Chum and Keiko) to ...
The 'Megamind' meme has become a staple of internet humor, bringing fresh laughs with every new twist. Based on a scene from the animated movie Megamind, this meme has gained popularity among ...
A less-than-threatening supervillain known as Megamind finally manages to bring Metro City to its knees and defeat his archrival, the superhero Metro Man, but must soon deal with a more-sinister ...
The franchise follows the adventures of a supervillain named Megamind who suddenly gets a chance to defend Metro City from the forces of evil after defeating the now-retired superhero Metro Man.