With an estimated net worth of Rs. 101,782 crore, Pakistan-origin Shahid Khan is the biggest sports tycoon in Asia. His son, Antony Rafiq ‘Tony’ Khan, or simply Tony Khan, is his heir.
where she recalled an emotional meeting with Tony Khan. "We had dark matches...and at the end of one of the dark matches, Tony came out on the stage, had me come up the stage, and I thought I'd ...
Shane McMahon surprisingly met with AEW President Tony Khan in July 2024. Vince Russo, WWE's former head writer, believes Vince McMahon could have been responsible for the meeting. Vince McMahon ...
During the media call for the event, Tony Khan was asked about a significant ... even involved outside legal representation in a later meeting where it was insinuated that she was trying to ...
Last week, All Elite Wrestling founder and all-around boss Tony Khan confirmed that the popular weekly show Rampage had been canceled "for the foreseeable future." The final episode of Rampage ...
CM Punk’s tumultuous tenure with AEW came to its merciful end this weekend when Tony Khan fired CM Punk, effective immediately. "All Elite Wrestling (AEW) has terminated the wrestler and ...
祿‍♂️ Speaking of which, The Chadster had another nightmare about Tony Khan last night. The Chadster was in the Netflix headquarters, trying to watch WWE Raw, when Tony Khan kept ...
All Elite Wrestling founder Tony Khan has heard the gossip that his promotion isn't selling tickets and he hitting right back and claims they're actually doing a great job. Khan recently spoke at ...
15 episode of AEW Dynamite, defeating Brian Cage. AEW founder Tony Khan was interviewed recently on the Battleground Podcast, and was discussing Omega's return to AEW television. There ...