This manipulation can take several forms, such as disabling AIS transponders to hide a ship’s whereabouts or falsifying AIS data to represent a ship’s identity or destination. The basic ...
By midday, ship-tracking websites are no longer receiving updates from her Automatic Identification System (AIS) transponder and this remains the case for about seven hours. Then updates start ...
Marine Traffic map lets anyone trace a vessel that has a position ‘transponder’ similar to those used by aircraft Transponder broadcasts the ships’ position, name, course and speed allowing ...
State Department tells VOA it is aware of reports that Iran is in process of importing chemical from China, as new details ...
The vessel will navigate to the Foinaven ... 5 percent of slant range from ship to the seabed transponder. For more information on Sonardyne Circle 104 on Reader Service Card ...
North Korea has been called out for evading UN sanctions Turning off the AIS transponders that broadcast a ship's position, course and speed, is no longer a guarantee of anonymity. His firm can ...
VesselFinder Automatic Identification System (AIS) is a GPS tracking system that uses transponders to transmit a ship’s position data to other ships or receiver stations in an area. This is used ...
NATO has decided to launch its “Baltic Sentry” activities. It could deploy naval vessels, surveillance aircraft and uncrewed aerial drones to conduct patrols, bolstering and guaranteeing the security ...