There are certain questions you should always be wary of receiving, especially from people you're supposed to trust.
Believe it or not, some phrases expose a manipulative person without calling them out too altogether. From telling them to focus on the point to subtly pointing out their hypocrisy, anyone can ...
Manipulation can be subtle, and those who master the art of manipulation often fly under the radar. Understanding the signs of a master manipulator can help you protect yourself from their ...
Sometimes it is more helpful to be curious than guarded.
The master manipulator, a person high in Machiavellianism, is a person you want to avoid. People high in psychopathy are bad enough, but the Machiavellian, consistent with the name, wants to take ...
Manipulators have a whole range of tactics they can use to make others do what they want. The best ones can bend you to their will before you even realize what’s happening. You can protect ...