Telugu actor-producer Lakshmi Manchu shared a cryptic message days after tensions escalated between her father, Mohan Babu, and brother, Manoj Manchu. A few days ago, Mohan Babu and Manoj Manchu ...
In the midst of the ongoing family dispute between Mohan Babu and his son Manchu Manoj, actress Lakshmi Manchu shared a cryptic post on her social media, sparking speculation among fans about ...
Amidst the tension in the Manchu family, Manoj’s sister, actress Lakshmi Manchu, who had remained silent on the issue, recently shared a cryptic post on her social media handle. Lakshmi ...
Of late, South Indian film personalities have been going places. Now, popular actor, producer, and host Lakshmi Manchu has been nominated in the 100 Most Beautiful Faces List by TC Candler.