The CBI film series is a series of four Malayalam films directed by K. Madhu and written by S. N. Swami featuring Mammootty as Sethurama Iyer, a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officer.
The CBI film series is a series of four Malayalam films directed by K. Madhu and written by S. N. Swami featuring Mammootty as Sethurama Iyer, a Central Bureau of Investigation (CBI) officer.
Though he had previously acted in Malayalam films, Gautham has now directed ... necessary for investigation thrillers. He used Mammootty’s CBI film series as an example, pointing out that ...
The much-anticipated fifth installment of Mammootty's renowned 'CBI' series, released on May ... "We could have reduced the number of deaths in the movie. We were not able to explain the reason ...