Astronomers used the Two-meter Twin Telescope to catch a "see-you-soon" image of the departing asteroid 2024 PT5.
Interference filters are used with two imaging instruments to observe the Moon in 32 passbands from 350–2500 nm. Three computers control the telescope mount and instruments with a fourth computer ...
A composite of close-up images of the moon taken through a telescope when 78% illuminated and during a full moon, it was assembled to create a mosaic of the entire disk. Another shortlisted in ...
If you've ever taken a few minutes out of your day to look at old footage and photographs of astronauts bouncing around on ...
A temporary mini-moon snared by Earth's gravity for nearly two months before departing back into the solar system can be seen in a new image from the Two-Meter Twin Telescope in Spain. The near-Earth ...
You can literally zoom in on the photo and see an insane number of intricacies on the surface of the Moon, almost as if you’re looking at it through a telescope right then and there. Josh ...
An image of earth's tempoary mini moon as it departs on Monday (Nov. 25). | Credit: Two-Meter Twin Telescope / Light Bridges / Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias A temporary mini-moon snared by ...