Here is the story of John Traynor, whose miraculous healing at Lourdes was announced Dec. 8 by the archbishop of Liverpool.
Eventually everyone did believe Bernadette and the grotto at Lourdes became a place of worship and the Lourdes holy water was sacred for performing miracles. At the age of 22, Bernadette became a ...
Archbishop Malcolm McMahon of Liverpool, a seaside British city, officially announced on Dec. 8 that the 71st miracle had ...
The Roman Catholic Diocese of Malolos will take over the pastoral care of the Lourdes Grotto in San Jose del Monte, Bulacan. In a statement on July 20, the diocese said it signed an agreement with ...
Jack Traynor was supposedly cured of epilepsy, paralysis of the right arm and paraplegia during the pilgrimage ...
Lourdes, France — Brad Pitt appears to be ... “Dear brothers and sisters! From this grotto of Massabielle, the Blessed Virgin speaks to us, too, the Christians of the third millennium.