Augusta Leigh; Kinnaird to distribute the letters from Greece to those most vitally affected, amongst whom was that very featureless Byron cousin. Captain George Anson Byron, R.N., the new lord.
‘Lord Byron on His Deathbed,’ by Joseph Denis Odevaere, 1826. Groeningemuseum, Bruges. Via Wikimedia Commons The beauty of Byron’s writing was matched only by the chaos of his living. He was dogged by ...
It takes a biography of George Gordon Noel, the Sixth Lord Byron (1788-1824 ... him and he was as happy pursuing his half-sister Augusta Leigh as his last great love, the 19-year-old Countess ...
Lord Byron (1788 - 1824 ... His affair with his married half-sister, Augusta Leigh was easily the pick of the basket, in a life steeped in salacious escapades. They are believed to have had ...