The young version of Loki is the Marvel Cinematic Universe version of “Kid Loki” (played by Jack Veal) who has a storied history in the comics. Loki was reincarnated as a younger version of ...
This Loki variant almost immediately crossed paths ... The Nathaniel Richards variant explained to them the truth of the TVA and that he's keeping incursions from other universes from happening.
This article contains spoilers from One Piece's Elbaf Arc. Loki is one of the most important characters in One Piece right ...
Furthermore, recent developments that suggest Shanks is connected to Loki are also going to add to both their characters and make the story richer than ever before. Loki is quite easily one of the ...
Seveteen-year-old actor Jack Veal, arguably best known for portraying one of the variants of the eponymous character in the ...
Loki’s entire premise – one variant Loki getting arrested by a bureaucratic organization that polices timelines – always sounded a bit Rick and Morty-esque, but the last few episodes have ...
Seveteen-year-old actor Jack Veal, arguably best known for portraying one of the variants of the eponymous character in the ...
He's alongside three other Loki variants: a man (played by Deobia Oparei) holding a hammer that looks like Mjolnir, Kid Loki (played by Jack Veal), and, carried by the boy, a crocodile wearing ...
Remember that Sylvie is a Loki herself. We just needed a different name for this variant. And Sylvie still has Kang’s TemPad. She might have been happy living as a McDonald’s employee until ...