CHILD #4:Beetles. ADAM:Ah, what are you pointing at ... with the smaller ants that surround her tending to her every need. The life cycle of ants is described; the queen lays the eggs which ...
The beetles never usually move far from their veteran trees. Females lay their eggs into slits within the bark and as larvae (a stage that takes just over two years) they feed on the wood. The full ...
However changes in the beetles lifestyle may be an important contributor as well. CU biologists Jeff Mitton and Scott Ferrenberg have studied the life cycle and activities of the mountain pine beetle, ...
The Casey’s June beetle is a species of scarab beetle found only in Palm Canyon Wash and Tahquitz Creek in Palm Springs. With ...
Bombardier beetles have the infamous ability to synthesize and release rapid bursts of stinky, burning-hot liquid from their rear ends. These noxious emissions can kill other insects, or startle ...
The beetle’s life cycle is closely tied to the health of Southern California native desert plants. As larvae, they also feed on plant roots, while adults consume leaves and flowers. It is not ...