A young girl named Amelia in Ukraine caught the attention of 'Frozen' star Idina Menzel after a video of her singing 'Let It Go' went viral. At one of her concerts last month, a young boy covered ...
Idina Menzel’s most significant role came as voicing Queen Elsa in the 2013 smash hit Disney film Frozen, where she sang the song Let It Go which went on to win both the Best Original Song Oscar ...
Elsa (Idina Menzel), Anna (Kristen ... who wrote "Let It Go" for the first "Frozen" and "Remember Me" for "Coco" (both won Oscars for best original song). "Frozen II" has more musical numbers ...
Frozen star Idina Menzel has tweeted a message ... and reprised the role in Frozen II in 2019. Let It Go, Elsa's signature tune, was named best original song at the Oscars in 2014.