An American comedic horror film series centered around a malevolent and murderous leprechaun, who, when his gold is taken from him, resorts to any means necessary to reclaim it.
An American comedic horror film series centered around a malevolent and murderous leprechaun, who, when his gold is taken from him, resorts to any means necessary to reclaim it.
"Leprechaun" isn't a very good movie, but it did spawn an entire horror franchise, so that has to count for something. In addition to starring Warwick Davis as the titular demonic figure ...
A power-hungry Leprechaun holds a beautiful princess captive on a distant planet as part of his plan to rule the universe, but his plans are altered by the arrival of a rescue ship filled with ...
Sorry, we don’t have any streaming links for Leprechaun: Back 2 tha Hood right now. Please check again later. An American comedic horror film series centered around ...