Julian Lennon recently released his first-ever photo book called “Life’s Fragile Moments,” featuring over 20 years of shots that show his eye for portraits.
Ringo Starr recently approved of a book that imagines John Lennon living a long life before The Beatles reunite. Interestingly, the book was written by a noted country musician.
The image was photographed using a time-delay camera set up by Tony Bramwell at Ringo Starr’s apartment on Montagu Square in London, where Lennon lived with Yoko after leaving Cynthia.
Either side of an accomplished career at the Liverpool College of Art, he lived in Gwynedd and Denbighshire. Regarded as Liverpool’s “unsung art genius”, he was said by Cynthia Lennon to ...
John Lennon scores a top 10 hit on one Billboard ... Paul McCartney sits just a few rungs above his friend, as one-half of the group live inside the uppermost tier on one chart, almost together ...