As relationships with countries grow, so does the need to speak a foreign language. We have an enhanced need for an enlightened citizenship that is both culturally and linguistically prepared to ...
Many U.S. high schools require students to take one year or more of a foreign language. While this may seem like an inconvenience to some, knowledge of a foreign language is actually beneficial.
the results of the same study suggest that people over the age of eighteen can definitely still learn a foreign language quickly - they just may not achieve the same native-like proficiency.
Current trends in areas such as politics, business, the media landscape or indeed didactics are posing ever new challenges for teachers and learners of German as a foreign language (GFL). The ...
How many of you speak more than one language? Since Hackaday is an English-language site whose readership is world-wide, we are guessing quite a lot of you are not monoglots. Did you learn your ...
Learning a new language is a great way to spend your time while staying at home - even Harry Styles is doing it! And guess what? It doesn’t have to be all vocab lists and verb tables. The first ...
By studying foreign languages, you will enhance your understanding of the world and gain a deeper insight into your own culture. You will learn to navigate and take advantage of transnational, ...
the most successful way of learning a language is when you don’t feel like you’re learning at all.” One way of doing this is to watch foreign films or read foreign books. The most successful ...