Spring and summer are typically the best months for propagating a ZZ plant because this is when the plant is actively growing ...
It may sound like the premise of a second-rate horror film, but zombie leaf propagation is a real thing that can lead to ...
Soon small rosette buds will form which will become your new plants. Don’t worry if the buds form before the roots have developed, each leaf or plant does this slightly differently.
While propagating Fiddle Leaf Figs is not as simple as it is for other houseplants, it can be done by producing even more of these stunning trees at absolutely no cost. In my experience ...
Cuttings should be cut at a leaf node and be around 2-6 inches long with several healthy leaves at the top. 3. Select a quality growing mix. For soil propagation, use a quality seed starting mix ...
They'll root easily to make new plants in a few weeks. Choose vigorous, healthy shoots and remove from plant by cutting above a leaf joint. Aim to make a cutting between 7.5cm to 10cm long (3in to ...