“Priya the Jungle Dancer” by Sathya Achia and illustrated by Janan Abir is a story that explores the unbreakable bond and love between children and their grandparents. It also introduces the ...
Madikeri: The Ammathi Kodava Samaj team clinched victory against Madikeri Kodava Samaj with a score of 2-1 in the finals of the hockey tournament organised by the Kodava Samaj Federation at Balugodu.
Madikeri: The Kodava Ain Mane has been established in the neighbouring state of Tamil Nadu. Ain Mane is the epicentre of the Kodava community culture. An Ain Mane is the ancestral house for ...
MADIKERI: "Geo-political autonomy for Kodava land and ST tag for the Kodava community, which has a unique culture, is the need of the hour," opined NU Nachappa, president of the Codava National ...