The Kirtland’s warbler (Setophaga kirtlandii), one of the first animals to be placed on the US Fish and Wildlife Service’s Endangered Species List, has made a comeback. The species was removed from ...
Recently I had the opportunity to travel to south central Wisconsin and meet up with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife to observer and photograph an endangered species, the Kirtland’s warbler ...
How to use this data set in a class: This data set could be used in discussions of community ecology (species diversity), species interactions (brood parasitism), and management of an endangered bird ...
hired to work on Michigan’s endangered species program. During her years at DNR, she was heavily involved in efforts to save the Kirtland’s warbler songbird from extinction, and said she ...
The report doesn’t change the warbler’s 34-year-old endangered designation. If the U.S. Interior Secretary decides to start that process, there will be a public comment period prior to the change.
The ruling doesn’t strip the species of its endangered status. “The question before the Court is not whether the Warbler should be delisted as endangered or even whether delisting ‘may be ...