(综合讯)韩国男星金贤重(Kim Hyung-joong)曾以韩团SS501出道,并出演韩剧《花样男子》和《恶作剧之吻》等剧而在亚洲走红。他2014年曾卷入对前女友的家暴丑闻,最终法院认定女方“证据不足”,金贤重胜诉,但他的名声首重创。他2022年在演唱会宣布结婚,近来改当农夫开始种田,也上节目分享务农的经历。
On the episode aired on the 5th, Lim Si-yeon, who topped the men's popularity vote, headed straight to the Couple Zone ...
According to the latest update in the world of Korean entertainment, Kim Hyun Joong's agency responded to the news about an SS501 reunion. A media outlet reported that the reunion of the five ...
Lim Si-yeon, who said she prefers shorter men, and Kim Hyun-joong, who revealed a preference for younger partners, eventually chose each other based on emotional attraction over conditions.