The cast treats viewers to "Bright (Fast)" featuring Pidgeon's earthy twang, the Pecinka-led "Seven Roads," and Canfield's contemplative duo of "Drive," (supported by Stack and Brill's propulsive ...
Aspiring film producer Jane lands her dream job as a junior assistant to a powerful entertainment mogul, but soon finds abuse and harassment colouring every part of her workday.
Meanwhile, “Succession”’s Juliana Canfield, outfitted in Frame light-wash jeans and white button-down top, chatted in a tight circle with Smith and actor Micaela Diamond most of the evening.
About the Album: OBC recording of score featuring original songs by Will Butler. Will Brill, Andrew R. Butler, Juliana Canfield, Eli Gelb, Tom Pecinka, Sarah Pidgeon, and Chris Stack. Produced by ...