In crafting "M. Son of the Century," a limited series about the rise of fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, "Atonement" and "Cyrano" director Joe Wright was looking to make a statement.
As such, it walks a fine line, with Wright using a deliberately anachronistic style to convey the power of fascism while also not shying away from showing its brutality. “We want to ask the ...
During the podcast, Budden responded to Wright’s comments with his trademark bluntness. “No, she’s grabbing the salacious and very obvious headlines and expounding on them, ...
“I do think Hollywood has become incredibly apolitical,” Wright said. “I think it’s important to take control of the narrative, and we as storytellers have a responsibility to do tha ...
In crafting “M. Son of the Century,” a limited series about the rise of fascist Italian dictator Benito Mussolini, “Atonement” and “Cyrano” director Joe Wright was looking to make a ...