Palm Sunday, also known as Passion Sunday, falls on April 13, 2025. Palm Sunday is the Sunday before Easter and marks the ...
John 12:13 Palm Sunday, or otherwise known as Passion Sunday, marks the beginning of the Holy Week in Christianity. It celebrates the triumphant journey of Jesus Christ into the city of Jerusalem, and ...
It is a reminder for Christians to welcome Jesus into their hearts and to be willing to follow him. The service on Palm Sunday also includes a reading of the Passion, the story of the suffering and ...
As Jesus rode into the city on a small donkey ... the Apostles and the crowds who appear throughout the Passion. Beginning Palm Sunday, some churches cover or veil – with purple cloth ...
Standard] Why is Palm Sunday important to Christians? The day marks Jesus' mighty entrance into Jerusalem, the start of the march to his death on the cross at Golgotha. It's also known as Passion ...
However, the following events in the week before Easter are the same, east and west, relative to the date of Easter: • Palm Sunday (or Passion Sunday), the entrance of Jesus into Jerusalem.
This year, the Psalm Festival in Graz invites you on an animal journey through the Easter season. From 13 to 21 April, works ...