In August 1768, under the command of then-Lieutenant James Cook, HMS Endeavour and her crew set sail for Tahiti to observe the transit of Venus - before opening sealed orders for a secret assignment.
Captain James Cook's pioneering journeys across the Pacific in the eighteenth century changed the course of science. They also provided us with a superb visual record of this period of exploration.
His name is synonymous with Whitby and he became a household name after embarking on voyages to New Zealand, Australia and ...
The original Whitby-built ship carried Captain Cook and his crew to Australia and ... It is one of two life-size replicas of the Endeavour. The other is on permanent display in Australia.
Not sure what you should have in your emergency kit for severe weather and cyclones? Check out our comprehensive list. The Australian Fire Danger Rating System gives you an idea of how dangerous ...
In 1768, His Majesty's Bark Endeavour set sail from England on a scientific voyage with Lieutenant James Cook. What did the voyage accomplish for science and navigation? What was the impact for this ...