This twenty-two show series, Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home, was the winner of The James Beard Foundations Award for Best National Cooking Show2001, and the duo received a 2001 Daytime Emmy ...
How would you define "fast food" in a conventional sense? How does your definition of this term differ as it applies to your new book and series, Jacques Pépin: Fast Food My Way ... earlier series), I ...
Chef, cookbook author, and French food expert Jacques Pépin has been doling out ... on how others perceive the cuisine of his home country — and there’s one myth he’s hoping to debunk.
The sauce is made in seconds in a food processor. Canned tuna (preferably in oil) is the main ingredient in the sauce, which also includes anchovies, mustard, and lemon juice. The delicious poaching ...
The twenty-two episode series, Julia and Jacques Cooking at Home, was the winner of The James Beard Foundation’s award for Best National Cooking Show — 2001, and the duo received a 2001 ...
Jacques Pépin is a legendary ... With rigorously tested recipes and the most trusted restaurant, drinks, culinary travel and home coverage, we inspire and empower people everywhere to discover ...