But the newest study that has gone viral is an even more impressive outcome. Headlines are claiming that researchers have ...
We know, of course, that drinking too much is a vice, and I suspect most people know at least one person whose life has been ...
Drinking in moderation poured into popularity with the belief that sipping on wine could benefit your heart health. “For ...
In recent weeks you have probably joined most adults in re-assessing your wine consumption. In light of recent reports from ...
It’s critical young people with a serious alcohol problem get help as soon as possible so that they can live full and happy ...
Study finds letting teens drink at home may lead to heavier alcohol use 03:59. Some parents might think that letting their teenager try alcohol at home under supervision can dimin ...
Alcohol is a thief dressed as a friend. It sneaks into our lives, promising good times, relaxation and connection. It ...
"Soberish" influencer Katie Nessel revealed five shocking alcohol facts that may make you rethink your next drink.