Read inspirational quotes about doing what you love, taking on challenges and inspiring others to do great things.
“With malice toward none, with charity for all, with firmness in the right, as God gives us to see the right, let us strive ...
The main goal is to offer short and concise reflections from the Brazilian author for personal inspiration and emotional well ...
Sadhguru is a spiritual leader whose teaching involves ancient knowledge with modern relevance. He is also the founder of the ...
Let his motivational quotes illuminate your path and inspire you to live a purposeful, mindful, and kinder life this year. Here are some of his most transformative lessons that can help us ...
Sumanto, formerly known for his criminal past, has transformed into a social media influencer. His Instagram account, ...
Pongal, a harvest festival in Tamil Nadu, celebrates gratitude, togetherness, and the start of the harvest season. The ...