Five hibernation site occur in New York. Collectively, they contain 9,000 Indiana bats (the site with in the Adirondack Park has in excess of 500 individuals). Because this species is concentrated ...
including Indiana bats. If this species' habitat is not better protected from the many factors that threaten it, and if white-nose syndrome continues to decimate bat populations, it's quite possible ...
These bats are listed as endangered in Indiana and face habitat loss due to timber harvesting. Insecticides are also affecting the food supply. These bats can be found roosting in trees during the ...
The body of an Indiana bat is not much bigger than your thumb. With leathery wings and all, the bat weighs as much as three pennies. Yet the tiny mammal, and its only slightly less tiny cousin, the ...
DESCRIPTION: The Indiana bat is a medium-sized bat reaching a length of about 41 to 49 millimeters. It has grayish-chestnut and lead-colored fur with pinkish to cinnamon-colored underparts. HABITAT: ...
Undisturbed hedgerows provide an important habitat for numerous bat species and their insect prey Leaving hedgerows untouched can offer an important lifeline for night-time biodiversity ...