CHENNAI: In a tragic incident, a one-year-old juvenile White-Rumped Vulture, a critically endangered species listed on the ...
Getty Images The Indian white-rumped vulture has become a rare sight “In this case, new chemicals were to blame, but other human activities - habitat loss, wildlife trade, and now climate change ...
CHENNAI: A juvenile white-rumped vulture, a critically endangered species listed on the IUCN Red List, was electrocuted near ...
Journey of a white-rumped vulture flying 4000km from Maharashtra to Tamil Nadu Recently, a one-year-old white-rumped vulture, which was raised in captivity, has surprised researchers by flying ...
Opinions expressed by Forbes Contributors are their own. I write about the world of biology. Vultures in the Indian subcontinent dropped from a thriving population in the millions to a mere ..
White-Rumped Vulture: Once abundant across India, this vulture's population suffered from the widespread use of diclofenac, a veterinary drug toxic to vultures ...
The white-rumped vulture, tagged as N11, was part of India’s ambitious Jatayu Conservation Project, an initiative aimed at reviving critically endangered vulture populations. The vulture’s ...
However, in the Indian subcontinent, these essential birds have seen a catastrophic decline, with several species teetering on the brink of extinction. The population of the white-rumped vulture ...
A one-year-old white-rumped vulture has astonished researchers. The captive-bred bird flew 4,000 km from Maharashtra to Tamil Nadu. The vulture, released from Tadoba-Andhari in July, is GPS-tagged.