"The CAG reports suggest that a sum of Rs 382.52 crore more than the tender was spent on three hospitals. This is the reason that Arvind Kejriwal did not let the CAG report be presented in the Vidhan ...
However, green also represents another stream of Indian politics. Parties like the AIMIM and IUML, which represent the Muslim community, also have green flags. The IUML’s rectangular green flag has a ...
Congress leader Udit Raj reminded the AAP on Tuesday that it is yet to clarify when will it fulfil its promise to provide a monthly allowance of Rs 18,000 to granthis and temple priests in Delhi. He ...
Fifteen leaders of the Nationalist People’s Party (NPP) Nagaland unit, including the party’s vice president, officially joined the Congress on Monday. The announcement was made at a press conference ...
Known as a close ally of Mahatma Gandhi, Khan advocated for non-violent civil disobedience and unity between Muslims and Hindus. His commitment earned him the title “Frontier Gandhi” due to his work ...