Bollywood actor Imran Khan, who has been rumoured to make his Bollywood comeback for a while now, celebrates his birthday on January 13. Imran made his foray into acting with the hit film `Jaane Tu Ya ...
Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaf founder Imran Khan dissociated himself from all the social media accounts involved in propaganda against the Arab countries, his wife Bushra Bibi, and the party's martyrs ...
Pakistan has jailed 25 civilians over attacks on military facilities that followed the arrest of former Prime Minister Imran Khan in 2023. The military’s public relations wing confirmed the ...
The statements were referring to the violence that erupted after Khan’s arrest in Islamabad in May 2023. The former premier was ousted through a no-confidence vote in the parliament in 2022 ...
The conviction of dozens of civilian supporters of Imran Khan, the former Pakistani leader, in the country's military courts is of "deep concern" to the UK and the US, officials have said.