You play as Shin-chan, a five-year-old kid with an overactive imagination who runs around during summer vacation fishing in streams, snapping up bugs and taking pictures. Shin-chan also interacts with ...
All the latest game footage and images from Crayon Shin-chan: Arashi no Yobu Cinema-Land no Daibouken! by Inti Creates | 2004 2 / 4 3 / 4 4 / 4 2 / 4 3 / 4 4 / 4 ...
A dedicated fan, Shen, spent $400,000 to recreate Shin-chan's house, taking over his family’s sheep farm and securing official rights after five trips to Shanghai. The nearly completed house ...
More like this Shin chan Movie 24 Premiering on August 18 on Sony YAY! “At Kazama-kun’s invitation, Shin-chan and his friends decide to participate in a week-long trial enrolment at ‘Private ...