The origin story of “Hysteria!,” which arrives Friday on Peacock, goes back two decades to a Kiss and Aerosmith concert at Detroit’s Comerica Park that made a big impression on the show’s ...
In this edition of 'The Chat with Kam,' Peacock's Hysteria! star Jessica Treska dished on her role as Judith, working with co-stars Julie Bowen, Bruce Campbell and Anna Camp. Plus, she reveals on of ...
The very real nightmare of adolescence collides with a hellacious 40-year-old conspiracy theory in Hysteria!, Peacock‘s chilling dramedy that plays like My-So-Called Life meets the Salem Witch ...
Among the best horror-adjacent offerings are Peacock’s satanic panic flashback Hysteria! and an unconventional serial-killer story, Sweetpea, from Starz. Apple TV+ highlight Where’s Wanda?