The relationship between headache and hypertension has been debated for many years, and is a subject of great concern to our patients. Today, in many areas of medical science, the focus is almost ...
In addition, previous headache diagnoses must be considered and the presence of any comorbid depression or anxiety disorder. These latter disorders seem to occur with greater frequency in IIH ...
Hypertension is a blood pressure reading higher ... re experiencing other symptoms of a hypertensive crisis such as a headache or shortness of breath, call 911 for immediate medical attention.
Some drugs like steroids and oral family planning could predispose individuals to hypertension (Image: Shutterstock) Elas Wanja suffered severe headache and fatigue. Painkillers did not help.
High blood pressure may develop over many years and has no signs or symptoms. Some may experience headaches, shortness of breath or nosebleeds, but these typically don’t occur until immediate medical ...
She grew weaker and the headache was interfering with her house chores and farming activities. The 58-year-old from Kiamwinja village in Embu County was later diagnosed with hypertension at ...